Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lightbox for displaying art photos

Ever since I heard about the Lightbox script a while back, I thought it would be cool to use for my father-in-law's artist website. Lightbox displays a modal dialog of images (or other content) overlayed on top of the current web page. I explored Lightbox Gone Wild, which uses prototype for asynch rendering (AJAX) of any type of content in the lightbox. In the end, I settled on Lightbox v2.0. This version is from the original group that coined the term. It uses prototype for the AJAX as well, but what really sold me was the "fancy pants transitions" from script.aculo.us. Check out that bling! :)

To see how it works, check out the beautiful art at Michael Wagner's Paintings and click on any of the art work to zoom in.

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