Thursday, December 14, 2006

dotMac crashing Finder

I got tired of problems with Finder crashing when connected to the .Mac (dotMac) iDisk. iDisk is actually just a WebDAV server and there are a number of options for connecting besides iDisk:
  • Goliath - this is an old OS9 app (available on OSX too) that acts like an FTP client app would except for WebDAV.
  • Transmit - in addition to FTP, WebDAV is supported.
  • cadaver - for command-line fans.
  • most web-site tools (GoLive, Dreamweaver) come with fairly robust WebDAV browsers.
Your WebDAV address for your .Mac iDisk is and authenticate with your .Mac userid/password.

Also, if you're tired of paying for for .Mac, check out notMac Challenge and Joyent.

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