Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dragon's Lair

If you were an arcade rat like me circa 1983, you probably remember Dragon's Lair. It was the most exciting game in the arcade when it hit and large crowds would gather around the console to watch. Animated by veteran Disney artists, it was enjoyable simply to watch. Besides it was cheaper! :) It was also one of the first games to cost more than the standard $0.25 (I believe you played it for $0.50).

Well, now you can re-live the experience in full 1080p HD on your PS3 or Blu-ray player (from Digital Leisure).

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rome Reborn

Most often when you think of 3D animation, you think games and movies...entertainment in general. This is a very cool example of using 3D animation for real-life purposes. Researchers at the University of Virginia have used 3D models and animation to reproduce ancient Rome with elaborate detail (article in Newsweek). Visit and choose Gallery->Video Clips to see very cool fly through videos.