Friday, March 17, 2006

Bleaching coral reefs continues

Ghostly coral bleachings haunt the world's reefs
Rising sea temperatures (due to global warming) cause coral reef to expel the algae living in coral polyps which provide food and the vivid color that make them so beautiful. This limit is 84F. If ocean temperatures cool, coral can recover from a bleaching, however extended bleaching kills the coral. Bleaching occurred in 1998 and 2002 on the Great Barrier Reef. 2005 saw bleaching in the Caribbean and now the Keppel Islands.

Ignoring the obvious ecological disaster when coral is bleached or killed (coral ecosystems are often called "the nurseries of the seas"...anyone that saw Finding Nemo know this.), there is an obvious visual impact. Bleached coral is ugly. No one wants to scuba or snorkel through a bleached coral reef. This impacts tourism in all areas affected. Not to mention leaving us with a sad, empty feeling looking at these ghostly reefs.

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